EuroCham Myanmar representative of Belgium Chamber in Myanmar

Since last month, EuroCham Myanmar acts as the Myanmar representative in the network of Belgium Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce in South East Asia.
We will be closely working together with the Bel/Lux Chambers of Commerce in Asia:
- Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (BeLuxCHAM)
- Belgium Vietnamese Alliance (BVA)
- Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC)
- The Benelux Chamber of Commerce (BenCham)
- The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ)
- Belgian-Filipino Business Club (BFBC)
- The Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce(BeLuThai)
- The Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (BLCCHK)
- The Belgo-Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BLCC&I)
- Indo-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IBLCCI)
- The Belgian – Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (BELUXCHAM)
- Belgian Korean Business Forum (BKBF)
As representative in Myanmar, EuroCham Myanmar will be supporting the organisation of events. With 5 Belgium/Luxembourg companies in our membership, we are looking forward to strengthening the relations with the Belgian & Luxembourg business communities in the region.
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