Advocacy Overview
Your business interests at heart
In order to support the interest of its members on the ground in Myanmar and foster dialogue with Myanmar stakeholders, EuroCham Myanmar is developing advocacy services for its members. Interested members can join sectorial and transversal Advocacy Groups which cover sectors such as Oil & Gas or interlinked issues such as financial services and legal matters.
Our advocacy package includes the following services:
- Advocating for the interests of EU companies with Myanmar and EU stakeholders
- Presenting the work of Advocacy Groups in regular meetings, seminars and position papers
- Publishing an annual Whitebook (position paper) with policy and standard recommendations from our Advocacy Groups, presented to the Myanmar government at the end of each year
- Showcasing European best practice during “Advocacy Meetings” between group members and Myanmar government stakeholders
We look forward to welcoming interested companies that want to make a change in business, policy and standardisation in Myanmar in our Advocacy Groups.
What is advocacy?
The term “advocacy” means that EuroCham supports its members in representing their business interests towards the Myanmar government. The input and direction come from EuroCham’s advocacy groups that consist of member companies. The overall goal is to jointly advocate for higher standards in trade and investment in Myanmar. This entails working with members and the wider EU community in Myanmar in order to develop policy measures and support schemes for European businesses on the ground.
How does it work?
Members of EuroCham have the opportunity to form so-called “Advocacy Groups”. These are established on a sectoral and transversal level in order to meet the needs of European companies present in Myanmar. Each group is headed by a chairman who is elected by the members of the group. Common problems and interests discussed in the advocacy group are directly brought forward to the relevant Myanmar authorities by the chairman, with first-level secretarial, legal and organisational assistance by EuroCham which serves as an intermediary between the European business community and the Myanmar government.
Which outcomes can be expected?
Members have a forum in which they can address their sector’s needs and common issues. In their respective advocacy groups, they will be able to speak with one European voice to the Myanmar authorities. Advocacy groups are particularly important for SMEs as they give them a greater forum for making their opinions heard as well.
Suggestions and outcomes from advocacy activities will be compiled and presented in an annual EuroCham White Book to the Myanmar government. It acts as a position paper of the European business community in Myanmar and highlights corporate good practices put forward by the European stakeholders. Together with other position papers that stem from advocacy activities, the White Book shall brief and support the Myanmar government in matters of labour standards, transparency and accountability or environmental issues and safety standards.

Which advocacy groups have potential?
As the number of European companies on the ground in Myanmar is growing steadily, EuroCham Myanmar established broader advocacy groups to accommodate as many sectors as possible. The following sectors and transversal groups are envisaged as having much potential and holding promising opportunities for European expertise:
- Energy
- Construction & Infrastructure
- Agri-Food (including beverages)
- Health (including medical equipment and pharmaceuticals)
- Logistics
- Legal & Tax
Experience from our EuroCham network in other ASEAN frontier markets shows that transversal advocacy groups such as CSR & Sustainability, Customs duties, IPR and HR/Labour & Immigration also hold much potential for many European companies.
Advocacy Group Guidelines
If you are interested in setting up an advocacy group at EuroCham, please be referred to our
Advocacy Group Guidelines for further details.
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