The EuroCham Myanmar Legal and Tax Advocacy Group is a platform for information sharing and discussion and concerns itself with legal and tax matters in Myanmar relating to all commercial sectors and legal and tax issues ancillary thereto.
In 2019 the Group went through some changes and acquired a dual focus, dealing with both legal and tax matters. The Group is a joint advocacy initiative in Myanmar for higher standard in trade and investment. The goal is to help the Myanmar government develop policies and laws that would be beneficial for European businesses which are planning to enter Myanmar, or, are already present on the ground. Such an initiative would promote overall foreign direct investment in the country and would improve the quality of lives by generating more employment opportunities and fostering a better financial environment.
To join the group, please send an email to
- Produce position papers on important legal and tax issues, aiming at helping the Myanmar government understand the possible areas of legal reform from the perspective of European companies in Myanmar
- Assist and promote the development of trade, commerce and investment of European investors in Myanmar by providing timely and valuable advice and support from policy and legal and tax perspectives
- Providing European companies with a platform for constructive dialogue with the public sector on legal and tax issues, to advocate for reforms aimed at enhancing competitiveness and to improve the business environment in Myanmar
- Act as a forum for European companies to maintain a relationship with key industrial stakeholders in Myanmar
These podcasts were created with the aim of providing reliable, up-to-date and high-quality information on legal and tax issues to foreign companies based in Myanmar or seeking to do business in Myanmar. This channel is run by the Legal and Tax Advocacy Group at EuroCham Myanmar and offers valuable insights from leading experts.
- Podcast N˚1 – June 2019 on Legal topic “investment climate in Myanmar” with representatives from DFDL
- Podcast N˚2 – August 2019 on Legal topic “Myanmar’s new intellectual property law” with representatives from Dentons and KASS Myanmar
- Podcast N˚3 – January 2020 on Tax topic “Tax Update on Recent Tax Changes” with representatives from PwC