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Consumer Goods Group - EuroCham Myanmar
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Consumer Goods Group


The EuroCham Myanmar Consumer Goods Advocacy Group is a cross-sectoral platform aiming to promote fair competition and drive positive regulatory changes for the benefits of the consumers, the country as well as the companies responsibly operating in Myanmar. Fair regulations and policies are vital for all business players active in Myanmar, especially foreign businesses, to provide quality and affordable goods and services consistently while enabling a long-lasting positive impact on the people of Myanmar.

Understanding that a collective voice of companies sharing common interests is much stronger than individual companies, members will strengthen dialogue with the relevant governmental bodies and regulators including the Food and Drugs Administration, the newly established Consumers Protection Central Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Information, and the Union Parliament and its relevant committees. The Consumer Goods group encompasses multiple sectors like Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies, manufacturers, distributors and transport specialists.

With the representation of EU companies, EuroCham Myanmar is committed to sharing best practices and promoting international standards in consumer protection and safety.

To join the group, please send an email to


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