Work Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED
Find us: Yangon, Myanmar
Times City, 18th Floor, Kyun Taw Road
Contact: +95 9 45058 2335
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Wine & Spirits Group - EuroCham Myanmar
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Wine & Spirits Group


The EuroCham Myanmar Wine&Spirits Advocacy Group was created in September 2017and aims to provide support the Myanmar government in its efforts to promote the development of a responsible and sustainable wine and spirits industry. This in turn benefits the economy and people of Myanmar.

To join the group, please send an email to


  • Advocate the Myanmar authorities on the sector’s needs and common issues
  • Promote the rule of law by supporting the development of a legalised environment for the import, distribution, retail and consumption of foreign spirits
  • Provide recommendations to authorities in taking active steps to address illicit trade
  • Curb substantial health risks to tourists and consumers by enabling access to legitimate and safe products
  • Promote transparency, compliance and rule of law in the Wine&Spirits sector in Myanmar
  • Develop position papers and contribute to the EuroCham White Book
  • To commit to promoting a safe drinking environment and prevent harmful use of alcohol, working in partnership with the Myanmar authorities

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