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Sustainability and CSR Working Group – EuroCham Myanmar
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Sustainability and CSR Working Group


EuroCham Myanmar Sustainability Working Group was launched in September 2023, driven by the importance of responsible businesses with a shared interest in promoting and advancing sustainability initiatives and practices in Myanmar. This working group brings together professionals and experts working in European businesses on the sustainability agenda, providing a cross-sectoral platform in which the members can exchange and discuss best practices and knowledge on global sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, as well as practical strategies to be impactful to the local community proactively. Through this collaborative platform, the participating companies will have an opportunity to explore approaches in the areas of climate change, environmental, social impact, capacity building, stakeholder engagement, and partnerships, among others, and demonstrate effective business practices in the local context to drive a positive impact and inspiration for the people and business community as a whole.

The action plan of the Sustainability Working Group will be executed by the co-chairs of the group, together with EuroCham Myanmar’s executive team and sustainability and CSR professionals from the member companies. Moving forward, this Working Group will conduct regular meetings and planned initiatives aimed at bolstering the favorable impact of European businesses on the local community in Myanmar. If you are interested in joining the EuroCham Myanmar Sustainability Working group, please send an email to

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