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HR Working Group - EuroCham Myanmar
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HR Working Group


In response to the growing demand for a dedicated Professional HR community in Myanmar and driven by the expressed interests of our members, EuroCham Myanmar HR Working Group was launched in May 2023. Consisting of HR representatives from leading European companies across various sectors, this HR Working group provides a cross-sectoral platform for the members to exchange ideas and best practices within the field of human resources development and discuss challenges among members with potential collaboration to enhance the HR situation and support the interest of businesses operating in the country. Ranging from the topics of labour law practices, talent management, employment trends, occupational health & safety, to ethical employment standards, among others, the members will get an opportunity to understand, empower, and build relationships with peers from the HR community while contributing to the positive working environment.

The action plan of the HR Working Group is executed by the co-chairs of the group, together with EuroCham Myanmar’s executive team and HR industry experts from the member companies. Moving forward, the HR Working Group hosts regular meetings and specific activities, bringing together HR representatives with an agenda to advance HR governance and practices to benefit the local community in Myanmar.  If you are interested in joining the EuroCham Myanmar HR Working group, please send an email to


  • To be a Professional HR Working Group that serve as an enabler for the businesses, people and the community.


  • To create a forum whereby HR professionals and those with HR responsibility of EuroCham members can come together to exchange ideas, learn, and connect and share up-to-date information.
  • To strengthen the group’s knowledge and expertise in developing HR capability and advocating stakeholders to evolve strong HR architecture that can bring positive impact for the businesses and country
  • To share resources, capabilities, time and knowledge to support a brighter future for the talents


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