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Joint Survey Impact on Business Operation in Myanmar: Part 2 _6 Month Follow Up - EuroCham Myanmar
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Joint Survey Impact on Business Operation in Myanmar: Part 2 _6 Month Follow Up

Please participate in the second edition of our joint survey organized by 8 Foreign Chambers in Myanmar (CCI France Myanmar in collaboration with American Chamber of Commerce in MyanmarAustCham MyanmarBritish Chamber of Commerce MyanmarEuroCham MyanmarAHK Myanmar (GMBC), IMBA | Italy Myanmar Business Association and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Myanmar) to monitor the impact of the pandemic and of the political crisis on companies operating in Myanmar.

It will allow all companies to receive an update on the evolution on the situation since February 2021.  

This survey is 100% anonymous and we guarantee the confidentiality of the data. The report that we will publish by the end of 2021 will only show combined and compiled collective data based on all the answers of the companies participating in the survey.

This survey will help to give an up-to-date picture of the Myanmar economy today, and will help to anticipate the evolution of its economic landscape in the coming month.

Therefore, we thank you in advance for taking 5 minutes (not more) to answer this survey, since the more companies participate in it, the more reliable and useful the data will be to all of you.

If you are interested to take this survey, please send an email to to get a survey form.

We thank you in advance for your support.

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