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EuroCham Myanmar and FocusCore hosted Q&A session for members on the latest entry requirements to Myanmar - EuroCham Myanmar
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EuroCham Myanmar and FocusCore hosted Q&A session for members on the latest entry requirements to Myanmar

On the 10th of November 2021, EuroCham Myanmar hosted a Q&A session for members on the latest entry requirements to Myanmar in cooperation with FocusCore Myanmar. The aim was to provide members with the latest updates on testing and quarantine requirements for travelers entering Myanmar. The meeting was only opened to EuroCham Myanmar’s members and approximately 44 were in attendance. During the meeting, attendees shared opinions, thoughts, and questions regarding the entry requirements.

Should you have any questions on entering Myanmar, do not hesitate to send us an email at, so that we can connect you to EuroCham Myanmar’s member FocusCore.

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