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Stress Busters: Techniques for immediate relief - EuroCham Myanmar
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Stress Busters: Techniques for immediate relief

Event Date:

February 22, 2024

Event Time:

2:00 PM

Event Location:

ZOOM Webinar

It’s a period in Myanmar that staff feel many different emotions: fear, anger, sadness, guilt, emotional insecurity, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, depression, anxiety etc. It’s normal in this kind of situation to have many strong emotions and it’s important to find ways to release emotions adaptively.

Emotional expression is not very common in Myanmar. As a company you can’t change the situation (with regards to the conscription law) but you can talk with staff, let people express their emotions and give them tools on how to stay mentally strong and how to cope with strong emotions.

You can do this in many different ways; put up a notice board to express emotions, encourage people to write their feelings, do sports and talk with colleagues, go into nature and talk about their feelings, organise a workshop in person or online.

During the webinar, a counsellor from Counselling Corner will explain more about mental health, the importance of it, and why it’s good to talk about emotions. The webinar will also show some free tools on our social media, YouTube database etc. and explain briefly about interactive paid workshops Counselling Corner can organise at your company.

For more information, please feel free to reach out at

Total Seats: 0
  • ZOOM Webinar


  • February 22, 2024 2:00 PM
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