4th HR Working Group Session and 4 Main Pillars
EuroCham Myanmar hosted the 4th HR Working Group Session on October 24, 2023, bringing HR professionals from member companies together to share insights and address evolving HR needs through four key pillars that working group jointly indentified.
In the Survey Pillar, the participants discussed sourcing reliable data for salary decisions, with the potential for customized reports from an independent third party, subject to member interest. The Learning and Sharing Pillar proposed organizing periodic Breakfast Talks to tackle common HR challenges, emphasizing soft skills development by the facilitation of EuroCham Myanmar for these sessions.
The Social Responsibility Pillar explored initiatives for employability skill development in young people, potentially via a learning management platform—additionally, the consideration of part-time job opportunities for underprivileged youth. In the Advocacy Pillar, the discussion focused on employment practices, contract renewal, and other HR-related issues. EuroCham Myanmar will engage with external bodies for advocacy and welcomes member input on specific issues.
This meeting demonstrates EuroCham Myanmar’s commitment to improving HR practices, fostering teamwork, and adapting to the evolving needs of HR professionals in the region. The next session is planned to be hosted in late January 2024, and stay tuned for more information.
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