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EMRBI - EuroCham Myanmar
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EuroCham Myanmar Responsible Business Initiative


At EuroCham Myanmar, we are convinced that the course of Myanmar’s economic growth needs to be aligned with social progress and environmental sustainability. To achieve so, Myanmar needs responsible and quality investments, as stated in the Myanmar Investment Promotion Plan.

We identified the undeniable value of European responsible business practices in Myanmar and thus created the CSR Advocacy Group in April 2017 to encourage the private sector to adopt responsible business behaviours. In 2019, the CSR Advocacy Group evolved into the EuroCham Myanmar Responsible Business Initiative (EMRBI), taking the promotion of responsible business to another level, and opening it to all our members.

The EMRBI provides EuroCham Myanmar members with a platform to exchange experiences and aims to foster positive mutual collaboration with corporations, government, non-governmental organisations and the general public. We aim to do so by organising talks and workshops where companies can share and transfer their practical expertise and know-how in managing business responsibly.

We are convinced that good practices can only be spread based on their effectiveness and their impact, creating a chain reaction in the service of a prosperous and fair economy in the country.

The EMRBI’s action plan is executed by EuroCham Myanmar’s executive team with a high level of consultation from an Advisory Steering Committee comprised of responsible business experts.

We hope this initiative will bring a long-term impact to the Myanmar business community! To join the group, please send an email to



• Share EuroCham member’s insights, views and best practices about responsible business

• Promote responsible and sustainable operations in Myanmar

• Encourage better integration of sustainability and responsibility in the daily operations

• Support the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP)


Key issues:

Private sector and non-profit collaboration for sustainable development

The public sector cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) alone, which are shared goals for a sustainable future for all. As both the private sector and NFPs see the value of enhancing living standards and protecting the environment together, private sector and NFP collaborations are slowly moving away from traditional donation-based funding models to a partnership model where stakeholders on both sides actively participate, for example by providing funding, ideas and dedicated staff. This type of collaboration is not only necessary for tackling global issues like equality, climate change and peace but is also a win-win for both parties and the government: NFPs can contribute to peace-building, create well-governed and secure societies and stable operating societies, whereas the private sector can create more jobs and stable income for disadvantaged and marginalised communities.

Gender equality in the workplace

EuroCham Myanmar has identified gender equality as a core principle of European responsible business practices in Myanmar. Gender equality in the workplace is crucial for Myanmar’s social and economic development.  More women are represented in the workplace and in management positions, but gender equality is much more than just the proportion of men and women in the workplace (gender parity). More steps should be taken for women to get the same opportunities and equal pay as their male counterparts.

Business and Biodiversity: How to achieve the SDGs

In countries rich in flora and fauna like Myanmar, companies can step up to play a part in biodiversity conservation. The European Union is increasingly looking at the stimulation of green trade, i.e. trade of products under the precondition that the production process involves as little impact on the environment as possible. Companies can have a significant direct or indirect negative impact on biodiversity and the natural environment and play a positive role in its conservation.



  • EuroCham Myanmar launches the Responsible Business Initiative to promote sustainable practices and boost members’ visibility in the local business landscape. Check the article on EuroMatters Issue 4.
  • Sustainable Development was at the heart of the 2019 Myanmar-EU Economic Forum, from the introductory remarks to the various industry-specific panel discussions. Check the article on EuroMatters Issue 5.
  • In January 2020, the EMRBI initiated an “Event Sustainability Manifesto” co-signed with 11 other chambers in Myanmar. The signatories have pledged to commit to working with event venues to remove single-use plastics (e.g. bottles, straws, utensils, cups, packaging, etc.) and replace them with reusable alternatives when hosting an event.
  • In February 2020, the EMRBI organised a Breakfast Talk on Gender Equality on the issue “How to promote Gender Equality as an employer?” in collaboration with the Business Coalition for Gender Equality (BCGE). To further support gender equality, EuroCham Myanmar is pleased to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the BCGE. The aim of the MoU is to develop further collaboration between the two organisations within the scopes of their mandates and spheres of competencies. Check the article on EuroMatters Issue 8.
  • In December 2020 In 2020, the EMRBI organised a talk focusing on the transition to a greener economy and the role that business can play, in collaboration with The World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) and Fauna and Flora International (FFI), and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

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