Every week, EuroCham Myanmar is coordinating a call between all members of the Garment group. This call allows members to share their updates on the events of the past week, discuss the ongoing issues in the industry, and implement actions to support the sector and…
HAG’s monthly meeting is a unique platform for members to discuss the industry’s situation in Myanmar, share their views on the latest developments and collaborate to strengthen responsibly the health industry in the country. If you are interested in attending, please reach out to events@eurocham-myanmar.org.
To favour the exchange of information within the group, a meeting with all members of the Agriculture Advocacy Group is organized every month. During this meeting, members inform other members of the latest developments, talk about ongoing issues, and work together to facilitate their operations…
The European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar & our member EXERA will host the 16th edition of our regular Security Briefing for members on the 5th of August 2024. During the meeting, the EuroCham Myanmar team and EXERA Myanmar will brief our members on the…
On 30th July 2024, EuroCham Myanmar will host a “Briefing on Myanmar Business Climate, in Collaboration with World Bank and UMFCCI”. During this briefing, EuroCham Myanmar will present the findings of the latest EuroCham Myanmar Business Confidence Survey. This presentation will cover the current situation and…
EuroCham Myanmar’s CGAG monthly meeting is a unique platform for our consumer goods members to discuss the current situation of the consumer goods sector in Myanmar, recent challenges, the latest developments, and the support needed from the members amid the evolving situation. To better connect…
EuroCham Singapore, along with other European Business Organisations (EBOs) in the region, is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar focusing on the recent EU Elections and their potential impact on the Southeast Asia region and European companies operating in the region. In this webinar, we…
Responding to members’ inquiries on the border situations, the EuroCham Myanmar Logistics Group is organising a logistics briefing on the 4th of July 2024. For this session, the Logistics members specifically discuss also the Ranong-Kawthoung-Yangon border situation and the various solutions offered for cross-border trade…..