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Eligibility – EuroCham Myanmar
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Who can become a member of EuroCham Myanmar

EuroCham Myanmar welcomes the membership of European companies and not-for-profits organisations, or companies and not-for-profit organisations with demonstrable clear and strong linkages with European countries.

An organisation can apply for Membership if:

  1. It is a legal entity duly established under the laws of any European country, or a legal entity established under the laws of Myanmar being directly or indirectly controlled by a European country citizen or by an EU entity established under the laws of any EU Member State. Companies registered in other South-East Asian countries and representing Europe-based companies or European commercial interests are equally eligible;


  1. It is a legal entity that conducts business or promotes business between Europe and Myanmar.

If the applicant satisfies the criteria set forth under a), then it is eligible for the membership de jure and will become an Ordinary Member of EuroCham Myanmar upon request and after payment of fees as appropriate.

If the applicant satisfies the criteria set forth under b), then it must submit an application to EuroCham, and the Board will decide at its sole discretion whether such an applicant is eligible for the membership. If the applicant does not satisfy the criteria set forth under a) or b), it shall not be eligible as a EuroCham Myanmar Member. However, it may be associated with EuroCham Myanmar (without any voting right) on a case-by-case basis when deemed appropriate by the Board.

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