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EuroCham Myanmar’s News

EuroCham Myanmar / EuroCham Myanmar’s News / EuroCham Myanmar’s News (Page 9)

The American Chamber of Commerce Myanmar, the Italy Myanmar Business Association, the Italy Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, the New Zealand Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, the European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, the Myanmar French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the German Myanmar Business Chamber, and...

The American Chamber of Commerce, the European Chamber of Commerce, and the Italy Myanmar Business Association released the following joint statement on March 4th, 2021. Read the full statement here. ...

On the 15th of February 2021, EuroCham Myanmar together with the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the German Myanmar Business Chamber, the British Chamber of Commerce, the Greece - Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, the New Zealand Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber...

On Monday 11 January, a virtual discussion was held between EuroCham Myanmar’s Construction & Infrastructure Advocacy Group, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), Doh Eain, Statement Architecture + Design and Asia Philanthropy Circle. Central to the discussion was how the ‘Framework...